#to Run, boot OSDCloudUSB, at the PS Prompt: iex (irm win11.garytown.com) $ScriptName = 'win11.garytown.com' $ScriptVersion = '' Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "$ScriptName $ScriptVersion" #iex (irm functions.garytown.com) #Add custom functions used in Script Hosting in GitHub #iex (irm functions.osdcloud.com) #Add custom fucntions from OSDCloud <# Offline Driver Details If you extract Driver Packs to your Flash Drive, you can DISM them in while in WinPE and it will make the process much faster, plus ensure driver support for first Boot Extract to: OSDCLoudUSB:\OSDCloud\DriverPacks\DISM\$ComputerManufacturer\$ComputerProduct Use OSD Module to determine Vars $ComputerProduct = (Get-MyComputerProduct) $ComputerManufacturer = (Get-MyComputerManufacturer -Brief) #> #Variables to define the Windows OS / Edition etc to be applied during OSDCloud $Product = (Get-MyComputerProduct) $Model = (Get-MyComputerModel) $Manufacturer = (Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_ComputerSystem).Manufacturer $OSVersion = 'Windows 11' #Used to Determine Driver Pack $OSReleaseID = '23H2' #Used to Determine Driver Pack $OSName = 'Windows 11 23H2 x64' $OSEdition = 'Pro' $OSActivation = 'Retail' $OSLanguage = 'en-us' #Set OSDCloud Vars $Global:MyOSDCloud = [ordered]@{ Restart = [bool]$False RecoveryPartition = [bool]$true OEMActivation = [bool]$True WindowsUpdate = [bool]$true WindowsUpdateDrivers = [bool]$true WindowsDefenderUpdate = [bool]$true SetTimeZone = [bool]$true ClearDiskConfirm = [bool]$False ShutdownSetupComplete = [bool]$false SyncMSUpCatDriverUSB = [bool]$true CheckSHA1 = [bool]$true } #Testing MS Update Catalog Driver Sync #$Global:MyOSDCloud.DriverPackName = 'Microsoft Update Catalog' #Used to Determine Driver Pack $DriverPack = Get-OSDCloudDriverPack -Product $Product -OSVersion $OSVersion -OSReleaseID $OSReleaseID if ($DriverPack){ $Global:MyOSDCloud.DriverPackName = $DriverPack.Name } <#If Drivers are expanded on the USB Drive, disable installing a Driver Pack if (Test-DISMFromOSDCloudUSB -eq $true){ Write-Host "Found Driver Pack Extracted on Cloud USB Flash Drive, disabling Driver Download via OSDCloud" -ForegroundColor Green if ($Global:MyOSDCloud.SyncMSUpCatDriverUSB -eq $true){ write-host "Setting DriverPackName to 'Microsoft Update Catalog'" $Global:MyOSDCloud.DriverPackName = 'Microsoft Update Catalog' } else { write-host "Setting DriverPackName to 'None'" $Global:MyOSDCloud.DriverPackName = "None" } } #> #Enable HPIA | Update HP BIOS | Update HP TPM if (Test-HPIASupport){ #$Global:MyOSDCloud.DevMode = [bool]$True $Global:MyOSDCloud.HPTPMUpdate = [bool]$True if ($Product -ne '83B2' -or $Model -notmatch "zbook"){$Global:MyOSDCloud.HPIAALL = [bool]$true} #I've had issues with this device and HPIA #{$Global:MyOSDCloud.HPIAALL = [bool]$true} $Global:MyOSDCloud.HPBIOSUpdate = [bool]$true $Global:MyOSDCloud.HPCMSLDriverPackLatest = [bool]$true #In Test #Set HP BIOS Settings to what I want: iex (irm https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gwblok/garytown/master/OSD/CloudOSD/Manage-HPBiosSettings.ps1) Manage-HPBiosSettings -SetSettings } if ($Manufacturer -match "Lenovo") { #Set Lenovo BIOS Settings to what I want: iex (irm https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gwblok/garytown/master/OSD/CloudOSD/Manage-LenovoBiosSettings.ps1) Manage-LenovoBIOSSettings -SetSettings } #write variables to console Write-Output $Global:MyOSDCloud #Update Files in Module that have been updated since last PowerShell Gallery Build (Testing Only) $ModulePath = (Get-ChildItem -Path "$($Env:ProgramFiles)\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\osd" | Where-Object {$_.Attributes -match "Directory"} | select -Last 1).fullname import-module "$ModulePath\OSD.psd1" -Force #Launch OSDCloud Write-Host "Starting OSDCloud" -ForegroundColor Green write-host "Start-OSDCloud -OSName $OSName -OSEdition $OSEdition -OSActivation $OSActivation -OSLanguage $OSLanguage" Start-OSDCloud -OSName $OSName -OSEdition $OSEdition -OSActivation $OSActivation -OSLanguage $OSLanguage write-host "OSDCloud Process Complete, Running Custom Actions From Script Before Reboot" -ForegroundColor Green <# if (Test-DISMFromOSDCloudUSB){ Start-DISMFromOSDCloudUSB } #> #Used in Testing "Beta Gary Modules which I've updated on the USB Stick" $OfflineModulePath = (Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\osd" | Where-Object {$_.Attributes -match "Directory"} | select -Last 1).fullname write-output "Updating $OfflineModulePath using $ModulePath" copy-item "$ModulePath\*" "$OfflineModulePath" -Force -Recurse #Copy CMTrace Local: if (Test-path -path "x:\windows\system32\cmtrace.exe"){ copy-item "x:\windows\system32\cmtrace.exe" -Destination "C:\Windows\System\cmtrace.exe" -verbose } if ($Manufacturer -match "Lenovo") { $PowerShellSavePath = 'C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell' Write-Host "Copy-PSModuleToFolder -Name LSUClient to $PowerShellSavePath\Modules" Copy-PSModuleToFolder -Name LSUClient -Destination "$PowerShellSavePath\Modules" } #Restart #restart-computer